Awards in Sport

On Wednesday afternoon, the following pupils were presented with certificates by the Principal, Mr Broekman, for their superb efforts in games and fixtures throughout the term:

  • Year 7 - Giselle R (Hockey) and Marcus F (Rugby)
  • Year 8 - Lili L (Netball) and Malik S (Rugby)
  • Year 9 - Abigail A (Hockey and Netball) and Mitchell C (Rugby)
  • Year 10 - Kate B (Hockey and Netball) and Lio F (Rugby)

Many congratulations to these pupils and all the others who have competed in Saturday Sport fixtures throughout the first term of the academic year.

Opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sports matches is an important part of the Games and Competition strand of our LCA+ curriculum and helps pupils develop their resilience, teamwork skills and good sportsmanship.
