Support for LGBTQ+ Pupils and Students

We understand that every pupil or student’s journey is unique, and we want to provide the help and support you needs as an LGBTQ+ student or someone questioning their identity. Our school is here to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.

You are not alone
Always remember that you’re not alone in your journey. There are people in our school and community who care about you and want to support you, including friends, family, and school staff.

Understanding LGBTQ+ terms
It’s essential to know and understand different LGBTQ+ terms like gender identity, sexual orientation, and gender expression. This knowledge can help you better understand yourself and others, and create an inclusive environment.

Safe Space and Inclusivity
We strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students. This includes respecting pronouns, avoiding stereotypes, and challenging discrimination. We want everyone to feel comfortable and supported at school.

Bullying is not Ok
Bullying and harassment have no place in our school. If you experience or witness bullying, please report it to a trusted adult. We will work together to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

Wellbeing and Support
Taking care of your mental health and wellbeing is important. Don’t hesitate to talk to someone you trust, practice self-care, and seek support when you need it. We’re here to help you through your journey.

Coming Out
If you decide to come out to others about your LGBTQ+ identity, remember to choose the right time and place, be honest and clear, and be prepared for different reactions. Our school community is here to support you in this brave step.

Together, we can create a school community where everyone feels safe, supported, and valued. Our school is committed to providing pastoral support for all students, including LGBTQ+ students and those questioning their identity. Remember, you’re never alone, and we’re here to help.

Support in Primary Phase                                                                                               Support in Secondary Phase


