Mission, Values and Ethos

 A school of character

In 1840, Liverpool College was founded on a commitment to educate the whole person. Although we made this pledge over 180 years ago, it has never been more relevant than today.

Our motto, “Non solum ingenii verum etiam virtutis”—to build ‘not only the intellect, but also the character’—speaks directly to the resilience and flexibility required for a life of learning. It reflects the balance of ability and resilience needed to flourish and finds its contemporary expression in our focus on being A School of Character.

Every young person that joins our school has the potential to excel regardless of their background or any disadvantage. As A School of Character we create the structure around which potential grows and flourishes, the foundation on which personal fulfilment and excellence is built.

Mission Statement

Liverpool College values the dignity of each individual and promotes the development of character and learning through a commitment to high standards within a caring community

Core Values
  • We recognise that all pupils have different talents and strive to ensure that every pupil has an equal opportunity to find and develop the talents they do possess.
  • We believe that the development of spirituality, character, intellect and creativity are the primary aims of education.
  • We work together to create a happy and caring school community which is engaged in our local community and the wider world.
  • We pursue high standards in every area of school life.
College Motto

Non Solum ingenii verum etiam virtutis
Not only the Intellect but also the Character
