Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium
The Government introduced pupil premium funding with the aim of narrowing the gap between the disadvantaged pupils and their peers. Pupils eligible to receive this funding are in four groups: those entitled to free school meals (FSM), those who have been entitled to free school meals during the last six years (Ever6), children in care or looked after (CLA) and services children. The Government believe that the pupil premium, which is in addition to the main school’s funding will address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers.
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024/25
This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils last academic year.
Please click here to view the Strategy Statement for 2024-25.
Further Information for Parents and Carers
Pupil Premium Eligibility
The names of the pupils who qualify for Pupil Premium are given to us by the Department for Education (unless the pupils are designated as Looked After Children in which case the respective local authority provides the funding). Liverpool College does not identify which pupils qualify. Inclusion on the pupil premium listing will not automatically entitle your child to free school meals. If you feel you are eligible for free school meals then you should make an application to your local authority.
The pupil premium allocation is an allocation to the school not your individual child. It is the responsibility of the school to spend and account for this spending.
Hardship Assistance Requests
Parents or carers who feel that they need help with aspects of their child’s education can complete a request form seeking assistance. To apply for assistance please complete the form below and submit it to Mrs Haynes (Vice Principal). Submission of an application is not a confirmation that assistance will be granted but each application will be considered on its own individual merits and once considered you will be notified of the outcome.
Hardship Assistance Request Form
Hardship Assistance Request Form (pdf version)
Strategy Statement for 2023-24.
To view the school's Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2023-24 click here
pupil premium strategy statement 2022-23
To view the school's Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2022-23 click here
evaluating impact 2020-21
To view the analysis of the Pupil Premium funding click here
To view the Pupil Premium Spending and Development Plan for 2020-21 click here
evaluating impact 2019-20
To view the analysis of the Pupil Premium funding click here.
To view the Pupil Premium Spending and Development Plan for 2019-20 click here.
evaluating impact 2018-19
To view the analysis of the impact of the Pupil Premium funding click here.
To view the Pupil Premium Spending and Development Plan for 2018-19 click here.
Evaluating Impact 2017-18
To view the analysis of the impact of the Pupil Premium funding click here
To view the Pupil Premium Spending and Development Plan for 2017-18 click here.
Evaluating Impact 2016-17
To view the analysis of the impact of the Pupil Premium funding click here.
To view the Pupil Premium Spending and Development Plan for 2016-17 click here.
Evaluating Impact 2015-16
To view the analysis of the impact of Pupil Premium funding click here.
To view the Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure 2015-16 click here.