Term Dates

Term Dates 2024-25

Michaelmas Term 2024

 INSET:                    Thursday 29 August and Friday 30 August 
 Term Begins:    Monday 2 September
Founders' Day Friday 11 October
 Half Term:  Monday 21 October to Friday 1 November
 Term Ends:

 Wednesday 18 December (12pm finish)


Lent Term 2025

 INSET:                    Monday 6 January
 Term Begins:  Tuesday 7 January
 Half Term:  Monday 17 February to Friday 21 February 
 Term Ends:  Friday 4 April
 Good Friday:  18 April
 Easter Sunday:  20 April

Summer Term 2025

 INSET:  Tuesday 22 April
 Term Begins:  Wednesday 23 April
 May Day
(Bank Holiday):
 Monday 5 May
 Half Term:  Monday 26 May to Friday 30 May
 Term Ends:  Friday 11 July (12pm finish)

Term Dates 2025-26

Michaelmas Term 2025
 INSET:                          Monday 1 September and Tuesday 2 September
 Term Begins:  Wednesday 3 September
 Founders' Day  Date TBC
 Half Term:  Monday 20 October to Friday 31 October
 Term Ends:  Wednesday 17 December   (12pm finish)
Lent Term 2026
 INSET:     Tuesday 6 January
 Term Begins:  Wednesday 7 January
 Half Term:              Monday 16 February to Friday 20 February 
 Term Ends:   Friday 27 March 
 Good Friday:  3 April
 Easter Sunday:  5 April
Summer Term 2026
 INSET: Tuesday 14 April  
 Term Begins:  Wednesday 15 April
 May Day
(Bank Holiday):
 Monday 5 May
 Half Term:  Monday 25 May to Friday 29 May 
 Term Ends:  Friday 10 July   (12pm finish)
Boarding Halls: 
The boarding house opens at 16:00 the day before term begins and closes at 18:00 hours the day term finishes

Holidays in Term Time

We hope that parents will not request leave of absence for holidays during term time as, in accordance with legislation, it is normally school policy to refuse permission. If leave of absence is required a request must be made in advance in writing to the Vice Principal (Mrs Cassidy).


Unauthorised Absences

Only the school can approve leave during term time; parents cannot. Should a pupil miss school for an activity which has not been approved it counts as unauthorised absence.                                                                                                                                         
