You said, we did

Parent Voice

You said

We did

We would like more opportunities to interact face to face with teachers and leaders so we can better support our child’s learning and be more involved with the school.

  • Structured engagement programme for each Chapter group introduced in September 2023:
  • Chapter Information Evening September ‘23
  • Face to Face (F2F) parents’ evenings in the secondary phase
  • Hybrid parents’ evenings in the primary phase
  • F2F Progress Meeting with class teacher / form tutor April ’24
  • Termly ‘book looks’ for parents in the primary phase
  • Diploma Awards Events at end of year
  • Head of Primary parents’ coffee mornings (last Friday of each month)
  • Plus….. Founders’ Day, Speech Night, Carol Service and Christingles, School Plays, Sports events, music events, PTA events…..
How can parents support their child with their learning – what information is provided by the school to help parents with this?
  • Return of ‘Show my Homework’ in the secondary phase in September 23
  • Parent ‘book looks’ in the primary phase
  • Face to face parents’ evenings and class teacher / form tutor progress meetings mid-year
  • New reading age assessments and reading ages reported to parents
  • Updated curriculum information on the website
  • Phonics lead in primary to develop new resources and methods of engaging with parents e.g. phonics information evenings
Can we have more information about what will be happening in my child’s specific year group (eg. school trips / extra-curricular activities that take place)?
  • Face to face ‘Start of year’ meetings for every Chapter to include:
  • Introduction to key staff
  • Expectations for the year ahead
  • Talk through curriculum structure and planning
  • Key dates / events throughout the year
  • Communication platforms i.e. SeeSaw / MCAS / SMHK
  • Reports 
Can there be more study spaces / supervised work areas for 6th form students in Godwyn House? Renovation of Godwyn House completed for September 2023 to provide more study spaces and an office for the Deans
Can dates and times of Chapter Information Evenings be communicated to parents before the end of term to allow plenty of notice Information sent to parents via MCAS at end of summer term and reminder sent before start of Michaelmas term
Can the school clarify what communication platforms are needed by parents and which one is used for what (particularly with reintroduction of SMHW)?
  • Clarification was provided during ‘start of year’ Chapter meetings
  • Communication from Mrs Cassidy set out the details of the new social media accounts to follow (with reminders in parental newsletters)
Can hearing loops be available in meeting / performance areas (eg. MV Hall/Theatre)? We are currently addressing accessibility and have commissioned a survey which will recommend actions (likely to include a loop system). Once we have these recommendations, we will put a bid together and request funding from the DFE to improve our accessibility.
Can pupils in Reception have a summer uniform option (rather than just the field uniform tracksuit) 
  • Survey undertaken with Reception parents on whether they would want to add in an optional summer uniform
  • As result of survey responses, from immediate effect all reception pupils could wear either black shorts and the white top or the approved red and white striped dress as an optional summer uniform. 
  • The uniform policy was updated accordingly.
Comments from some parents that they don’t know the school, the teachers, the structure of the day etc  so a document which encompasses all of our policies ( phone, behaviour) and details everything they need to know prior to stepping foot in the door and sets out your expectations would be useful. All the info is already there in various policies but pulling it together in a more “handbook” style rather than “policy” will demonstrate the parent - school partnership. 
  • Start of year in person meeting for every Chapter – opportunity to meet the key staff, clarity around expectations, learning journey in person – not just a document but a face to face meeting in school. This can be complemented by written support/signposting to other resources 
  • Updated and expanded school handbook for pupils and parents will be produced for September 2024 intake 

In addition to parents being able to raise concerns or suggestions by contacting or speaking to staff, every term the Principal holds a Parent Information Evening. This is open to all parents. Information and updates are provided by school leadership on current issues and future plans and there is also an opportunity for parents to raise concerns or issues and questions on any area they wish to discuss. Dates of Parent Information Evenings are listed on the school website and app calendar and are advertised through the Principal’s Newsletter and MCAS notifications. Some issues are also raised in surveys, such as Ofsted Parent View or those conducted by the school.

