Welcome from the Principal
Welcome to Liverpool College
Liverpool College is a unique academy, so visitors tell us. They profess that there is a “buzz”, a sense of purpose, and a distinctive ethos about the place. We agree.
The College, a state funded academy, educates approximately 1700 pupils aged 4-19 on a 28 acre campus in South Liverpool. Since 1840, our intent is to empower the young people of Liverpool and beyond to fulfil their dreams and serve their community by delivering a transformational and exceptional education. Since our transition to academy status in 2013, we are able to do this for more pupils and, crucially, without regard to the ability to pay fees.
Our school motto, "Non solum ingenii verum etiam virtutis", "Not only the intellect but also character," taken from Cicero, reflects the College's constant aim to educate the whole person.
We are A School of Character, explicitly and deliberately inspiring and teaching young people to develop our three core Lerpoolian traits: Purpose, Passion, Challenge.
For pupils from Reception to Chapter 13, we pursue our founders’ intention through the implementation of our unique and challenging LCA+ curriculum, consisting of seven academic and subject strands and seven strands of personal and social development. (Read more about our LCA+ curriculum here)
Our five schools, Pre-Prep, Prep, Middle, Upper and Sixth Form constitute one College in pursuit of one mission. Every pupil belongs to a House during their time at the College. Our Houses provide a continuation of belonging as well as opportunities for competition and growth in leadership. Pupils progress through the 14 Chapters (year groups) of the school, engaged in a rigorous and challenging curriculum in and outside the classroom, emphasizing maximum intellectual challenge as well as a broad personal and pastoral Diploma curriculum. On this journey, pupils are supported by strong relationships with Mentors and Deans who focus on the needs and progress of each individual pupil and maintain the small scale in which positive learning relationships grow and pupils are challenged and supported to achieve their full potential.
Academic studies are clearly the focus of the school and our students achieve better than predicted and expected outcomes, year after year, because of parental support, outstanding teaching, high expectations, and active guidance.
But a College education transcends the classroom. We educate the whole person through a wide variety of programmes in sport, the arts, and leadership and spiritual development.
We intend for every pupil, whatever their background or ability to leave Liverpool College not only with the best possible academic qualifications and skills for university and further education and training but also with the character, love of learning and confidence to lead a happy, productive and fulfilling life.
I hope you enjoy your virtual visit and look forward to welcoming you to our campus
Mrs A Haynes
Intent 2022
Liverpool College began a process of discernment and strategic development which seeks to build on but also move beyond its nine outstanding Ofsted judgments, in order to provide a truly transformative education to all its pupils. Intent 2022: Outstanding to Transformative, published in February 2021, outlines the next steps for the school in creating a framework to deliver its declared ambition to be not only an outstanding but a transformative learning community.
Download a digital copy of Intent 2022 here.
Principal's Weekly Newsletter
You can download the current and previous Principal's Weekly Newsletter to College parents here.